Trump Launches Absentee Ballot Initiative

In a stark reversal from the 2020 election on Tuesday the Trump campaign announced a new absentee voting initiative.

On Tuesday, Trump announced the launch of Swamp The Vote USA to promote the use of absentee and mail ballots and early in-person voting.

Read the full statement below:

Swamp The Vote USA is a project of Trump Force 47, the Republican National Committee’s sponsored neighbor-to-neighbor grassroots organizing program that focuses on mobilizing highly-targeted voters in critical precincts across the battleground states and districts. The

Trump Force 47 program incorporates Swamp The Vote USA into its organizing model by using personalized voter contacts to generate new absentee or mail ballot registrations and early in-person voting commitments. 

“Republicans must win and we will use every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats because they are destroying our country.  Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in-person or on election day, we are going to protect the vote.  We make sure your ballot is secure and your voice is heard.  We must swamp the radical Democrats with massive turnout.  The way to win is to swamp them, if we swamp them with votes they can’t cheat.  You need to make a plan, register, and vote any way possible.  We have got to get your vote.” – President Donald J. Trump

1 Comment

  1. Hard to beat democrats; their having extensive experience cheating at the ballot box. They have no idea how to honestly conduct a campaign. They have no chance of winning in an honest confrontation. There are simply not that many stupid people in this country.

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