
Trump To Participate In Discussion With America’s Top Business Leaders

Hoping to capitalize on the economic successes of his first term, Trump is intensely targeting the business community in his re-election campaign.

The former President of the United States is scheduled to meet with business leaders in Washington, DC, next Thursday, June 13th at Business Roundtable’s Quarterly Meeting.

In a media release, the Trump campaign shared the following about the upcoming event and Trump’s economic track record:

President Trump built the strongest economy in the world once before, and he stands prepared to do it yet again. Under the Trump Administration, unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Veterans, all reached record lows. Additionally, President Trump kept his promise to American workers and created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs. Every American was better off just four years ago when inflation was 1.4% because of President Trump’s America First policies.  

Business Roundtable is an association of more than 200 chief executive officers (CEOs) of America’s leading companies, representing every sector of the U.S. economy. Business Roundtable CEOs lead U.S.-based companies that support one in four American jobs and almost a quarter of U.S. GDP. Through CEO-led policy committees, Business Roundtable members develop and advocate directly for policies to promote a thriving U.S. economy and expanded opportunity for all Americans. 

The latest polling results currently show Trump narrowly leading Biden in several crucial swing states, including Nevada, Arizona, and Trump’s home state of Florida.

1 Comment

  1. Short and Sweet….He Did it Once before and He Can Do It Again…..If Trump does not Succeed on November the 5th this country will be FINISHED as a World Power

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