Trump Visits Arlington Cemetery To Mark Afghanistan Withdrawal Anniversary

Former President Donald Trump traveled to Arlington National Cemetery on Monday to mark the three-year anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Trump was joined by family members of some of the 13 U.S. soldiers who were killed in a bombing at Abbey Gate during the withdrawal for a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 

The former president descended the steps alongside family members to lay a wreath, listened to taps, then returned to the top of the steps and repeated the process twice more for others being honored Monday.

“This is the third anniversary of the BOTCHED Afghanistan withdrawal, the most EMBARRASSING moment in the history of our Country,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “Gross Incompetence – 13 DEAD American soldiers, hundreds of people wounded and dead, AMERICANS and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT LEFT BEHIND.”

“You don’t take our soldiers out first, you take them out LAST, when all else is successfully done,” he added. “Russia then invaded Ukraine, Israel was attacked, and the USA became, and is, a laughing stock all over the World.”

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) announced Monday that Congress will award the families of those killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal the Congressional Gold Medal.

Biden and Harris also issued statements Monday marking the three-year anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

“Today and everyday, I mourn and honor them. My prayers are with their families and loved ones,” Harris said in a statement. “My heart breaks for their pain and their loss.  These 13 devoted patriots represent the best of America, putting our beloved nation and their fellow Americans above themselves and deploying into danger to keep their fellow citizens safe.”

Harris reiterated Biden “made the courageous and right decision to end America’s longest war.”

“Over the past three years, our Administration has demonstrated we can still eliminate terrorists, including the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS, without troops deployed into combat zones,” she said. “I will never hesitate to take whatever action necessary to counter terrorist threats and protect the American people and the homeland.”

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