
Trump Plans Visit In South Bronx

Former president Donald Trump is planning will visit the Bronx, New York on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 6:00PM EDT to highlight the horrendous effects Crooked Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency has had on our economy, according to the Trump campaign.

“New Yorkers have suffered greatly thanks to Biden’s failed policies. With prices in the Empire State up by 17.5 percent since Biden took office, New York families continue to suffer from high inflation on everyday goods. In fact, New Yorkers have spent $7,747 more on transportation, $3,542 more on energy, $3,637 more on food, and $3,921 more on shelter on average since January 2021 due to Bidenflation,” the Trump campaign writes.

“Both New York City and the state at large have been ravaged by monumental surges in violent crime as a direct result of Biden’s and Democrats’ pro-criminal policies. Murders in New York City are up 23.1 percent from 2019 levels, while felony assault is up 35.4 percent. These upticks are incomprehensible and devastating,” the release continues.

“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden. President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York! We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth,” the announcement concludes.

The former president will deliver remarks at Crotona Park and guest entry begins at 3 pm. Trump’s visit begins at 6 pm. Register for general admission tickets at the link HERE, two tickets per mobile number.

1 Comment

  1. This is Very Simple and has been discussed from the very first day Crooked Joe took office. If DJT isn’t elected to the office Of Commander in Chief of the United States these United States will be NO MORE. The economy will get worse the crime will continue and the American People will continue to suffer the rath of Crooked Joe and the democratic party that wants to give this country to the Communists that have been let in by Joe and his Cronies of the now democratic party. We need a president that cares about The American People not a president who purposely let over 10 million illegal aliens into this country just to vote democratic in future elections. AMERICA Wake the F%$K Up and look at what this Poor Excuse of a Man has done to this once thriving country known as The UNITED STATES of AMERICA ..GET OUT AND VOTE Because your live and the lives of your children and grandchildren Depend on It….

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