Report: Trump Rips ‘Dope’ Biden Apart In Closed-door Capitol Hill Meeting

Mourners at the United States Supreme Court following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Editor’s note: This article contains graphic language some may find inappropriate.

Trump was full of energy during a Thursday meeting on Capitol Hill.

Sources shared with Fox News that Trump gave a wide-ranging speech to House Republicans on Thursday, and lashed out at his political enemies and praising his allies.

Trump in particular criticized the numerous prosecutions against him, attacking the Department of Justice (DOJ) as “dirty, no good bastards,” according to two sources in the room.

One GOP lawmaker told Fox News Digital that Trump touted the fundraising and popularity boost he got from his various state and federal criminal charges.

“He said, ‘They had a saying that we’re going to indict this guy into the White House,’” the GOP lawmaker said.

The GOP lawmaker said Trump also called President Biden the “worst president in history.”

Sources also told Fox News that Trump referred to Biden as a “dope.”

President Joe Biden will reportedly announce the creation of a White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. [Screenshot via YouTube]

Multiple House Republicans indicated the meeting went well, and that Trump touched on many topics, including military, trade, and abortion policies.

Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Calif.) said Trump hit Biden for the White House’s threat to veto this year’s defense policy bill, which includes a pay raise for members of the military.

“That’s a winning issue from a presidential race perspective,” Garcia said. “The fact that Biden has now tripled down on this veto threat… President Trump should just be banging Biden over the head every day on the fact that you are not willing to give our troops a pay raise.”

Two additional sources who spoke with Fox News Digital said Trump also urged Republicans to hone an effective message on abortion, citing a recent string of unsuccessful elections.

Trump’s time on Capitol Hill also reportedly included a meeting with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

McConnell told reporters for CNN and NBC News that he plans to attend the meeting despite his rocky relationship with the former President.

(Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Trump had repeatedly called on GOP senators to oust McConnell as their leader. It will be the first time the two leaders will meet in person since 2020.

Trump and McConnell haven’t spoken to each other since December 2020, when they had a falling out over Trump’s plan to contest President Biden’s victory in that year’s election.

In March, McConnell endorsed Trump for the presidency. (RELATED: Mitch McConnell Endorses Trump For President)

“It is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the requisite support of Republican voters to be our nominee for President of the United States,” McConnell said in the statement after Trump secured the nomination on Super Tuesday.

Article Published With The Permission of American Liberty News.


  1. Mitch McConnel is a RINO and is not respected by either party. He’s a turncoat and goes which every way he can secure the most respect and/or donations.
    Many have said he should take his Chinese bride back to China and live there with her. He is not called China Mitch for nothing.

  2. IMHO: Small error here. Biden has given the military a raise; unfortunately it was the Ukraine military. I mostly hear crickets chirping when it comes to Hunter Biden, they must really stirring up a sweet deal for him. Biden is doing a lot more than a lot of people think, but the politicians and the news media are pretty quiet about it.

    The Republicans should be talking about how Bidens’ Government Gangsters are treating the small farmers Michigan (and other places) by trying to regulate them out of business or bankrupting them with bogus legal actions. These farmers are only trying to raise the nutritional value of the food products they produce, whereas the State, and sometimes the Federal, gangsters (employed by the Big Agra mafia) who are just eliminating competition and raising the food costs and making the mafia wealthier. The State hoods locked up $90,000 food products of a fledgling food co-op for the lousiest reasons I have ever heard; pure political schwachsinn. The State(s) and Fed Alphabet offices are no longer friends of We The People, they are friends of the Big Pharma, CCP, WEF, CDC, FDA, DOJ, FBI, and the rest of the Alphabetals, and their goals appear to be to trying to make this country sicker and sicker with their reduced nutrition, obesity promotion, virus attacks, legal warfare, and political harassment. This makes the USA a far cry from a freedom loving country. These things should be talked about in campaign talks, since they are fully intent on being anti-MAGA and destroying our Republic. They cry that the Republicans (I’m an independent) are destroying their “democracy.” However, “their democracy” is not what older people think of as democracy; it is pure Communism controlled by the CCP and the Deep State, and it SHOULD BE DESTROYED before it destroys the USA.

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