Trump Agrees To Debate Dems’ ‘Ultimate Nominee’

(Los Angeles - EUA, 09/06/2022) Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro, durante Sessão Plenária de Abertura da IX Cúpula das Américas..Foto: Alan Santos/PR

It’s on…

Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller confirmed Donald Trump will debate the Democrat nominee for president but stopped short of specifically naming Kamala Harris.

“We think the Democrats need to pick who their ultimate nominee is going to be,” Miller said when asked if Trump would debate Harris. 

President Biden announced last week that he would drop out of the presidential race and immediately endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, as the next nominee for the Democratic Party. However, Harris has not yet officially won her party’s nomination. 

“That needs to be formalized before we go and lock in all the debates,” he said. 

When pressed by MSNBC host Chris Jansing on the issue, Miller said that the Democratic Party only recently decided to rally behind Harris. 

“Hold on, we need to make sure the Democrats actually go through and lock in Kamala Harris,” he said. “It was only a month ago that many Democrats who wanted to throw Joe Biden overboard were saying, ‘We need to go to this mini-primary. We need to go with somebody else other than Kamala Harris.’”

“It’s only been this past week that there’s been any sort of effort to rally around Kamala Harris,” Miller said. “The exact same people, in fact, that were saying that Joe Biden was okay are the same people that are saying now we have to get behind Harris.”

“Fourteen million Democrats voted for Joe Biden in this primary system,” Miller said. “And now all those voters will be told that that’s invalidated.” 

“Will Donald Trump debate Kamala Harris?” Jansing asked Miller.

“Of course, we are going to debate the Democratic nominee,” Miller said. “If that’s Kamala Harris, once she goes through and that becomes formalized.” 


  1. Democrats continue to make up sh×t as they go along. They are the most disingenuous snakes on the planet.

    • Roger….You need to Bend Over and Grab Both of Your Ears and PULL REAL HARD….That is unless Your Head is so Far Up Your Ass that that is an Impossible Move. The Disingenuous Snakes are ALREADY IN THE White House. Pay Attention to what is happening all around you these Full Of Shit Politicians running this country now are Not Americans. They are They Hate the American People and what America Once Stood For. They have let over 10 MILLION NON CITIZENS into this country and want to add More. Wake Up Roger to what has REALLY HAPPENED in the last 3.8 years.

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